An Island Drifts
YEAR 2022

An Island Drifts follows a teacher, Glen, who witnesses a young, primary-six student, Andrew, involved in a troubling and much-discussed incident that happened in school. Without a full grasp on the truth, Glen deals with Andrew objectively but Andrew doesn’t understand is unable to comprehend the situation and this leads to devastating consequences, causing Glen to lose his job and question if heis to blame. He Glen ultimately has to meditate on whether or not his actions if they align with his principles, as he heads into the future where he either will or will not forgive himself.

Writer: Vivian Ip

Producer(s): Jasmine Tay, Kim Mariel

Cast: Timothy Wan, Quintus Lim

ALL VAFF VIRTUAL are available to watch for the entire duration of the festival (Nov 7 – Nov 13, 2022) after purchase. However, once you press play to start watching a film, you have 24 hours to finish watching. Only accessible by viewers anywhere in CANADA.

DATE November 7, 2022
TIME 12:00 AM
LENGTH 18.32 mins

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